An honest contribution to the topic of imaging procedures!

How X-rays or MRIs and their communication of results negatively influence us!

Sometimes it hurts to see literally meaningless diagnoses being made that do more harm than good to people. I have a lot of patients who are actually afraid. Afraid to move, afraid that if they bend down or move their head that the disc will “pop” because that’s what the doctor communicated.

Some think their pain is provoked by their bad posture, for example, because the diagnosis “stretching malposition” is on the result and therefore try to live constantly under “corrective” tension, which in turn can also trigger a feeling of tension and thus pain arises again. Often, there is also no clear discussion of how to address the condition. Many of the patients’ questions remain unanswered. The vicious cycle feeds itself and without the necessary education, such conditions can develop into long-term behavior patterns!

Therefore, my appeal to all patients – never let imaging get you down! Your body is so incredibly strong and robust and has healing powers that are the absolute hammer! Modern and validated studies show very well that overdiagnosis takes place and that the wrong words in the results as well as in the communication increase pain or indirectly via fear-avoidance can lead to more pain or alarm and thus to restrictions in daily life.

Give yourself a chance to surround yourself with “health professionals” who value positive communication over negative. There are many good doctors who have been doing this for a long time and who stand for a positive development in this respect. One of them is Maximilian Walther from “Orthopädie Transparent”. I value him as a doctor and as a friend and highly recommend him.

And all the doctors still focused on negative diagnoses, but also physios, osteos, chiros and ergos, who hardly or not at all respond to the clinic and ESPECIALLY TO THE INDIVIDUAL…please start to rethink your communication and your therapy! Just as anyone is allowed to do. I, too, am in constant, even critical, self-reflection with myself. With a little less ego, a lot is possible!

Let this info discover the world – I would be happy if you share this information! If we all use a little more positive language we save psychological costs of patients, but also save monetary costs of people as well as the health care system. Many chronic pain conditions can be prevented with the right verbiage, and many injuries can achieve shorter rehabilitation times. All this only by letters strung together in sound.


Omid Kazemizad, BSc. Physiotherapy

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