🏋 Pull-up – 3 variations to learn 💪

The pull-up is one of the most challenging exercises in back training. In this post, you’ll see 3 ways to work towards a solo pull-up.

1️⃣ Support with Pull-Up Band

A simple variant to be supported during the pull-up. There is only one drawback to this: with the pull-up, we have an increasing force profile. This means that the further we pull ourselves up, the more difficult it becomes. Unfortunately, the support from the tape runs the other way around -> in the uppermost position we have the lowest tension of the tape and thus the least support.

2️⃣ with partner

If there are two of you, this is a great way to support each other. In this case, the feet are placed on the thighs of the second person. In this way, you can offer yourself support when pulling yourself up with your legs and adjust them independently in such a way that the majority of the work is still done by the pull muscles.

3️⃣ with a weight bench

Should you train alone, this is a good alternative. It is best to set the weight bench at an angle so that the back of the foot rests on the backrest. Thus, you are not tempted to offer yourself too much support. It is best to start with both legs and to increase, help with only one leg.

With all these variations, it is important that the main work is done by the pull muscles (especially latissimus), so that they are ultimately trained!

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