You are right here!

  • for outpatient rehabilitation after operations (new cruciate ligament, knee arthroscopies, shoulder operations, new hip/knee joint, etc.)

  • for rehab after (sports) injuries (getting fit for everyday life again/ return to sport: weight training, running, ball sports, pole dancing)

  • for rehab for chronic pain or complaints (nerve pain, neck pain, back pain, tendon irritation…)

  • if you finally want to be pain-free again

  • if you want to get fitter and healthier and would like to do a preventive physio check

  • if you would like a preventive physio check in weight training / bodybuilding or have injured yourself

  • if you want to work on your technique in weight training (squats, deadlifts, etc.)

  • to redeem your medical prescription 😉

    e.g. “45 min. Physiotherapy (EHG), 15 min curative massage (HM)

  • if you are ready to take your health into your own hands, but need help with the implementation!

Services within the scope of physiotherapy

Our specialties

Rehablitation after injuries

  • Bodybuilding / powerlifting / weightlifting: e.g. muscle injuries, various overuse injuries, slipped discs

  • Pole dancing: e.g. rotator cuff rupture/injuries, various shoulder injuries

  • Post partum: muscle building / strength training / back to sport after pregnancy

  • Everyday heroes: e. g. meniscus tear

Persistent problems

  • Nerve pain: cervicobrachialgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, radiculopathy of the cervical spine

  • Tendinopathies: e.g. impingement, tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow, Achilles tendinopathy

  • Chronic pain: e.g. fibromyalgia

Prevention & increasing resilience

  • Body shaping / slimming / muscle building training for beginners to advanced users

Rehablitation after injuries

  • American football: e.g. shoulder dislocation, cruciate ligament rupture, collateral ligament rupture, shoulder joint dislocations

  • Other ball sports: e.g. tendon injuries, ankle fractures, muscle injuries

  • Cross Fit: e.g. slipped disc, overuse problems

  • Calisthenics: e.g. shoulder injuries, back injuries

  • Everyday heroes: e.g. lumbago, knee prosthesis (knee TEP), hip prosthesis (hip TEP), humerus fractures, vertebral fractures, intervertebral disc operations

Persistent problems

  • Nerve pain: lumboischialgia, radiculopathy of the lumbar spine, spondylolisthesis (slipped vertebrae)

  • Chronic pain: e.g. back pain, neck pain & tension

  • Spinal diseases: e.g. form stenosis, facet joint irritation

Prevention & increasing resilience

  • Promoting health in everyday working life and preventing pain / injuries

Rehablitation after injuries

  • Soccer: e.g. cruciate ligament rupture, supination trauma, Achilles tendon rupture

  • Other ball sports: e.g. syndesmosis ligament rupture, collateral ligament rupture

  • Running: e.g. patellar tendinopathy, runner’s knee, Achilles tendinopathy

  • Everyday heroes: e.g. femoral neck fracture, knee prosthesis (knee TEP), hip prosthesis (hip TEP)

Persistent problems

  • Nerve pain: lumboischioalgia, sciatic pain

  • Chronic pain: e.g. back pain, shoulder impingement, hip impingement

  • Bone density: osteoporosis, osteopenia

Prevention & increasing resilience

  • Geriatrics-Fit in old age

Rehablitation after injuries

  • Strength sports: e.g. muscle injuries, tendon injuries, slipped discs

  • Martial arts (grappling & striking): e.g. cruciate ligament rupture, joint dislocations, bone fractures, soft tissue injuries

  • Climbing sports: e.g. rotator cuff rupture, hand and finger injuries, ankle injuries

  • Everyday heroes: e.g. meniscus tear, lumbago, joint prostheses

Persistent problems

  • Nerve pain: cervicobrachialgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, lumboischialgia

  • Tendinopathies: e.g. impingement, tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow, Achilles tendinopathy

  • Chronic pain: e.g. back pain, arthrosis

  • Psychosomatic complaints: e.g. burnout syndrome

Prevention & increasing resilience

  • Health promotion tailored to professional and sporting requirements

  • Benjamin

Rehablitation after injuries

  • American football / basketball: e.g. muscle strains, cruciate ligament rupture, Achilles tendon rupture, shoulder injuries

  • Other ball sports: e.g. muscle injuries (thigh, calf, rotator cuff), torn ankle ligaments, meniscus lesions

  • Strength sports and athletics e.g. stress fractures, tendon irritation (Achillodynia, patellar tendon), shin splints (shin splints)

  • Everyday heroes: e.g. pelvic and hip fractures, operations after shoulder dislocation

Persistent problems

  • Hip impingement

  • Hip and knee osteoarthritis

  • Nerve pain: radiating pain e.g. herniated disc with radiculopathy

  • Chronic pain:
    Long-lasting pain in the lumbar spine area
  • Multiple sclerosis

Prevention & increasing resilience

  • Exercise programs to increase general fitness

  • Workplace design to avoid overload and improve resilience

How do we work as physiotherapists?

Our specialist areas of physiotherapy include orthopaedics, traumatology and (strength) sports. The complaints and clinical pictures mentioned below serve as examples of our range of treatments and do not claim to be complete. Complaints or pain are usually multifactorial. If only the symptoms are treated, this may lead to a short-term improvement, but is usually not effective in the long term. That is why we value a detailed discussion and an examination using various tests, which we will carry out again and again to monitor the progress. It is very important to us that you better understand the background of your pain and why we do what we do in therapy! We work evidence based . So we’re not going to lay hands on you, “smooth” your fascia, or “push” the pain away really hard with the force of our thumbs. We will show you a way to achieve your goals sustainably through lifestyle adjustments, targeted (strength) training and self-help exercises that you can easily integrate into your everyday life.

  • The important thing is that we shape this process together and find the best way for you!