How exactly you design your Legday(s) of course depends entirely on your other training schedule, your time and your individual goal.
But here you can see an exercise choice that works well for working out quads, hamstrings or butt.

Quads 🦵🏼:

  • Squats: high bar, low, possibly heels elevated (for max. focus on quadriceps)
  • Alternative: Hack Squats, Leg Press (feet far down)
  • Isolation Exercise: Leg Extensions

Hamstrings 🥓:

  • RDLs
  • Isolation Exercise: Leg Curls

Gluteus maximus 🍑:

  • Hip Thrusts
  • Leg Press with feet far up (so little knee angle)
  • not in the video (butt without hamstrings): Abductor device

ev. gluteus medius 🍑:

  • Spread leg (side position on bench or cable pulley)

also not neglect for wide legs:

  • Adductor machine
and calves:
  • Calf raise standing (e.g. multipress)
  • Calves sitting (e.g. device)

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