1️⃣ more range of motion:

If the device does not allow it or does not have the right setting for your body size, you can create more range of motion with the help of fixed pads, for example. A large range of motion makes sense if the goal is to build muscle.

2️⃣ Set devices correctly:

With the Leg Curl and Leg Extension machine, you can use the center of the machine’s pivot point and the approximate center of the knee joint as a guide to set the machine optimally for your leg length.

3️⃣ starting position:

It is difficult to move the weight from end-degree joint positions for the first time. It is much easier if your muscles are already working. In order to use the highest possible weight, it makes sense to start from a middle joint position, if possible. The chest press, for example, works well with this trick – if the machine doesn’t have foot levers for this anyway.

4️⃣ Learn bodyweight exercises:

Many bodyweight exercises are very challenging at the beginning and the weight cannot be reduced as easily as when training with machines/free weights. One way of learning here is to only do the negative repetitions at the beginning: i.e. only controlled braking – in this phase of the movement you are always stronger than when overcoming resistance (e.g. standing up during squats).
In addition, you can still set a good muscle growth stimulus.

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