“Upgrade Your Back” day

🏋🏼‍♀️ “Upgrade your back” – day

A few tips and tricks that can help you feel certain muscles/muscle groups better or train more isolated 💪🏻
Have fun trying it out and building it into your next pull training 🔥

💪🏻: @valentin.krause87

🚨If you need help with your training, rehab after injuries or just want to feel more comfortable and healthier in your body overall, feel free to contact us! ⠀

Cable Overlays – Keep your elbows slightly bent to reduce tricep activation

Face Pulls – without scapula movement, for more back shoulder isolation: infraspinatus & posterior deltoid

More upper back – pull back as far as possible with overhand grip and elbows + scapula retraction

Unilateral lat pulldown – with lateral flexion

More lat exercises – use a neutral grip and pull until your elbows are next to your body.

Lat pulldown – with a suicide grip to get a better feel for the lats