There is a not insignificant biomechanical difference in the classic lateral raises with dumbbells or cable pulleys.

1️⃣ Side lift with dumbbell:

Here, in the extended position of the muscles, there is no load on the shoulder joint, thus no training stimulus. Then, in contrast, the final position is the most strenuous position. However, our muscles are weaker here than in the starting position. Thus, the resistance profile of the dumbbell does not optimally fit our force profile.

2️⃣ Side lift on cable pulley:

On the cable pulley we also have load on the shoulder muscles in the start position, thus a growth stimulus in the extended position as well.

Does that make side raises with dumbbells a bad exercise? Absolutely NOT!
As always, the exercise selection is highly dependent on the individual goals and possibilities. If you do not have a cable pulley or resistance band at home, then the variant with dumbbells is a good alternative. Doing the exercise this way is definitely much better than not doing it at all. 😎


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